Our projects

KazTrix team has the expertise to successfully develop and implement projects for large or medium size corporations. Our technological diversity in the IT industry allows us to operate across multiple fields, while our managerial expertise enables us to successfully undertake large projects.

We align ourselves with our client’s business model in order to achieve solid results and objectives. KazTrix has undertaken many projects in the areas of business applications development, databases, client-server, multi-tier applications, social network, online gaming/betting, web applications, e-Commerce, distributed data processing and a host of others.

Some of the projects undertaken and delivered by KazTrix:

Ultimate Language Translator

AI-Powered Translator App


Chum Social NetworK:
“Find your Chum”,  Social Engine for 

AI & machine learning

Language Translators

E-commerce - Web Portals

Software fulfillment management, Product presentation and delivery, Reports, Statistics and backend communication server development and management.

Much Mobile

Mobile page builder application for everyone

Mobilisize Simply Intelligent Apps

Mobile Apps Development


AI Agents.com (First Generation-Agents)

AI Agents Builder 1.0/2.0

Transactional based order processing & Logistics Management

Online Courier Systems

Instabase Web-Ready / Kaztrix DataBuilder & Publisher (1997-2015)

Pc & Web Database Applications

Multilevel Marketing Management Application (MLM)

Sales and Marketing

When it comes to enhancing your business operations, KazTrix excels at integrating existing systems with cutting-edge technologies, seamlessly bridging the gap between proprietary and open systems. Our expertise lies in standardizing and streamlining information technology, unlocking efficiencies across your enterprise to drive growth and success. Trust KazTrix to deliver innovative solutions that empower your business to thrive in the digital age.